Thursday, January 26, 2012


The other day while checking on my veggie garden, I noticed a few strays growing where they shouldn't (like an empty raised bed waiting to be filled and planted). No doubt evidence of my kids 'helping' me plant onion and garlic bulbs a few weeks ago.

Isn't it wonderful that life goes on in spite of...well, anything. This particular onion bulb landed in an unprepared bed of plain ole south Alabama red clay, and was probably trampled into the ground by two 35-pounders. Since I didn't know it was there, I didn't water it or care for it in any way, yet it broke the surface and is thriving.

Great reminder not to take things too seriously. Also makes me wonder why I spend so much on top soil and organic amendments if these things grow anyway. Things to ponder.

Deer Today, Gone Tomorrow

I suppose it was inevitable since I live near wooded areas, but my deer attack last night is still leaving me feeling violated. I've had pansies near my front door since November, and just yesterday, I was admiring how beautiful my planter is. Then I found this today.

Even though I have woody surroundings, I'm on a corner lot on a busy street. I've seen deer further down on our street where the woods back up to my neighbor's property, and I've even seen evidence of them eating flowers inside my Crapemyrtle borders, but on my front step? Food must be scarce.

Feeling a little blue right now, but not for long. The obvious next step is to research deer-resistant plants and refill my planter. That, or build a feeding station somewhere in the woods to draw them away.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wait, Dryer Lint is Compostable?

It's amazing what you can learn watching late night tv. Not able to fall asleep last night, no doubt due to the DH working late, I began flipping channels and landed on Extreme Cheapskates on TLC. Documentary or mockumentary, I can't decide, but it's definately worth the watch. (And I didn't think any show could beat Toddlers & Tiaras for entertainment value!)

I was particularly entertined by Jeff Yeager who talked about fiscal fasts (not spending any of his own money for one week, several times a year), buying the cheapest meats possible (think organ meats and goats' heads) and reusing items around the house. Honestly, not all of his ideas were bad - think composting dryer lint. Who knew?!? Can't wait to try this!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lessons in Tropical Flora

During our recent trip to The Bahamas - my birthplace - it occured to me that I am unable to identify most of the native trees, shrubs and flowers. This strikes me as a little odd since I remember helping my grandmother - a huge plant enthusiast - in her garden since I could walk. So, I am determined to dedicate some of my time toward rectifying this.

In the meantime, I am enjoying learning more about the trees, shrubs and flowers The Bahamas and the southeast have in common. Namely Philodendron / Golden Pothos, the variation of which absolutely took my breath away. In the southeast, this vine known as Philodendron, is not winter hardy and is typically used as a potted houseplant. In The Bahamas, this vine grows indefinately, with leaves as big as my three-year old. Take a look:

Amazing what a change in environment will do.