Of course I backfilled with good potting soil (i.e. rich in nutrients), combined with the original topsoil. Because the DH dug the holes the depth of the pot, I had tons of red, clay dirt leftover.
We're waiting on the cover of night to empty the dirt-filled wagon in the vacant lot across the street. I kid you not.
Still to do:
- Dig up grass around the expansion.
- Add some type of border. (The plastic border held up fairly well for the first few years, however it has gotten brittle and breaks when it comes into contact with the mower or edger. We priced having a stone edging installed but that was waaaaayyy over our budget and an over-investment for our area. We're currently looking into metal edging.)
- Mulch
It's quite an undertaking as we're at the ball fields FIVE nights a week! But in the interest of cost, I'm determined to do this myself. I would like to have it completed before June when the grandparents start their summer treks. Wish me luck!